Cost To Build Energy Efficient Home Building an energy-efficient home can save you money on utility bills. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, a typical household can save up to 25% of its energy costs by making simple changes to the way their house operates. The average cost of building an energy-efficient home is around $103 per square foot, but you can expect to pay more for certain upgrades. However, a zero energy home can still cost more than the minimum code.
The layout of the house will also play a big role in the overall cost. For example, you may be able to save 4% to 5% of your budget by building a small, compact home with a simple roof. Depending on the regulations of your area, you may be able to find a building design that will accommodate solar panels and other energy-efficient upgrades. Using recycled materials and thick insulation can help to reduce energy bills, too. And don’t forget about the “Two R’s”: reducing the size of your home and using energy-efficient appliances.
The average cost of a new home in the U.S. is approximately 2,400 square feet, and if you decide to build a net-zero home, the extra cost will come to about $45,000, which will cover the up-front premium. Alternatively, if you have the means, you can reduce the square footage of your new home, as smaller rooms use less energy and light fixtures. If you’re looking for a home with zero energy costs, Sarah Susanka’s book focuses on a smaller footprint.
Adding energy-efficient ventilation systems is also a big part of building an energy-efficient home. HVAC systems account for nearly half of the energy used in a typical U.S. home. You can cut the amount of energy you use by installing Energy Recovery Ventilators. These systems recycle exhaust fans and ducts. You can also use a roof rack to store and transport excess energy. For an added cost, you can install roof racks.
California commissioners estimate that an energy-efficient home will cost about $40 more a month. But, in return, you’ll be saving $80 in energy bills over the next 30 years. According to Ann Edminster, board member of the Net-Zero Energy Coalition and a certified green building consultant, “buying an energy-efficient home can save you money in the long run.”
New energy building regulations in California have made it mandatory for nearly all new homes to include solar panels. The new standards, adopted in May 2018, will require solar panels on virtually every new home built in the state by 2020. In 2013, a San Francisco real estate developer named De Young Properties developed a net-zero energy house. The house produced more energy than it consumed in a year, and it became an instant hit. Over the years, it was refined and made cheaper.
In addition to cutting utility bills, a green home is better for the environment. It reduces utility bills by as much as 6% and has a lower foreclosure rate than a home with no insulation. The newer a home is, the more energy-efficient it will be, and you’ll save even more money. A real estate agent can help you find an energy-efficient home that meets your needs. So, if you’re wondering how much it’ll cost to build an energy-efficient home, contact a real estate agent and get the best deal on your new home. You’ll be glad you did.
Another way to cut energy costs is to reduce the number of electronics in your home. Today’s homes contain many electronic devices, which, while efficient, still drain energy when they’re not in use. These are called “parasitic loads” and drain energy even when you’re not using them. Even the smallest electronics can make a difference in your energy bill. With the right changes, you can drastically cut your energy bills.
The orientation of your home is also important. For example, rooms in the east should face east because they get the most natural sunlight early in the morning and cool down later in the day. The main living areas, on the other hand, should be oriented southward to receive the most sunlight during the day. While choosing a location, consider the cost of building the home in your area. Make sure to choose the right size for your project.